Friday, July 04, 2008

Fetching - Photos finally!

I finished these last winter (!) but finally, here they are, resized to fit my midget hands.

And here is Dahlia - much as I love the original design, I'm so pleased I chose a bright colour. It reminds me of strawberries, which I think is fitting as they're in season at the moment and I'm eating so many! I love the puffed sleeves already, and I can't wait to get onto finishing them.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

I'm a graduate! (nearly)

An update....I've just finished my degree. I got a First, and the 4th highest dissertation mark in the year, yay!

Anyway, the immediate effect of this is that it leaves me, finally, with loads of knitting time. I've just started working on my own version of 'Dahlia' from Knitty Winter 2007. The original version is purple but I've decided to go for really bright red as I seem to own too many purple things already. At the moment it's going ok, although I've had a few glitches with the ol' stich count on the raglan increases. It seems to be shaping up nicely though.

Here's a few (very bad) photos of Heather - I'll get some decent daylight ones as soon as it's cool enough for me to go outside wearing it!