Well, I finished my first glove in an evening! The DPs were easy after a few rounds, as were the cables...I can't
believe I was scared for so long. The yarn knits up beautifully, and I am incredibly pleased with myself for managing to fit two knitting firsts into one item. So, I hear you cry, what is the problem?
Well, it's just too big for poor little me! I feel like I have to keep my fingers spread out in case it slips off, and my hand looks dwarfed by it. I feel like a kid wearing her mum's gloves. It's an issue....
Soooooo....I'm going to try reducing the number of cast on stitches from 45 to around 35, make the other glove smaller and see if it works. If it does, I'll unravel and reknit the first glove to fit. If not, well, I'll cry and throw things, because I love this colour so much and I want to show it off before spring comes!